RDM: 300 users, 300 collections, and 3000 records

POLiS' own Kadi4Mat instance has now reached more than 300 users, 300 collections, and 3000 records! The Research Data Management team held several workshops on RDM and Kadi4Mat in 2024, which were open to POLiS employees and covered the topics of Introduction and Advanced RDM.
There are several ongoing collaborations between the Kadi team and Cluster PIs. Among others, they support the reference cell project of Dr. Anna Smith, the glovebox line in Ulm oft he group of Prof. Dr. Maximilian Fichtner, AFM image analysis, prediction of MD simulations in the group of Prof. Dr. Axel Groß, and large language models for battery literature in the group of Prof. Dr. Helmut Ehrenberg.
The Kadi 1.0 release is out! In addition to the fixed programming interface (Kadi API/ Kadi APY), the Kadi ecosystem now includes tools for direct integration into the file system (KadiFS), creation and execution of workflows and automation tasks (KadiStudio), and for the use of artificial intelligence (KadiAI).
If you have any questions on Kadi4Mat, please contact the RDM team at daten@postlithiumstorage.org.