Graduate School (GS-EES)

Graduate School EES
PhD students doing their research in the framework of POLiS automatically take part in the Graduate School Electrochemical Energy Storage (GS-EES).
- The GS-EES addresses the full, community-spanning spectrum of electrochemical energy storage and conversion, from fundamental science to processing and application
- The GS-EES offers a comprehensive education and training program in these areas, emphasizing interdisciplinary aspects
- The GS-EES is committed to offer professional skills training

POLiS funds about 60 PhD students.
The GS-EES operates within the Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage CELEST.
Research fields are Li-ion batteries, post Li batteries, fuel cells, etc.
The GS-EES offers:
- Interdisciplinary Block Course "Materials, Funcitoning and Technology of Batteries"
- Annual Summer School
- Workshops on scientific or method-related topics
- Professional skills training in the fields of scientific communication, management, good scientific practice and equal opportunities
- Three-month research stay abroad
Please visit the GS-EES Website for further information.