POLiS Award of Excellence for Female Researchers

The POLiS Award of Excellence for Female Researchers is given annually to an outstanding female early and mid-career researcher (with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD. For maternity leave, this is extended by 18 months per leave) with outstanding record of scientific achievements related to the topics of the Cluster on new battery materials and technology concepts based on sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, aluminum and chloride ions to improve energy storage, safety, and cost-effectiveness for stationary and mobile electrochemical storage. The application and all submitted documents must be in English. POLiS members and affiliates as well as candidates from POLiS participating institutions are excluded. Application deadline is March 31, 2025. Applicants are asked to upload the following documents:
- Formal application letter
- CV including scientific achievements
- Two-page description of planned joint research during the stay at POLiS
- Publication list (incl. five most relevant publications as pdf files)
- Two recommendation letters
Selection Process
The candidates will be evaluated with respect to following selection criteria:
- Significance of research in the research areas of post-lithium energy storage
- Publications or patents, awards
- Potential for future collaborations in the POLiS Cluster
- Role model function of the candidate with regard to pursuing her own career development
An award selection committee consisting of a POLiS Presiding Spokesperson, one Leader of each POLiS Research Unit, and members of the Equal Opportunity committee will evaluate all criteria in relation to the scientific career level.
For questions please contact apl. Prof. Dr. Christine Kranz (christine.kranz@uni-ulm.de, +49 (0)731 50 22749)