ESPE23 – European Symposium & Workshop on Polymer Electrolytes for Battery Applications

Polymer electrolytes have a long history in battery research and both material development and our fundamental understanding of ion transport mechanisms in polymers has evolved with it. Today, we are standing at the crossroads overseeing many possible winding paths down battery lane with a multitude of battery technologies to choose from. Diversification in many different cell chemistries opens new avenues to explore and encourages to revisit some concepts and findings of past days.
The pandemic has made it difficult for our community to meet and exchange, which has become clear during the International Symposium of Polymer Electrolytes (ISPE17) in Canada in October 2022. While we remain dedicated to other international communities, not least the ISPE, we, the Organizers, feel that a more limited meeting in terms of scope and geographical target group would be highly appreciated. It is our ambition to assemble primarily the European academic research community in this area, including a large number of PhD students, other newcomers, together with relevant researchers from industry, this year at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany for the first European Symposium on Polymer Electrolytes for Battery Applications (ESPE23) hosted from September 25th to 27th 2023.
We would like to give newcomers to the field the opportunity to meet leading experts, present their latest results, network and find new colleagues and friends to advance the development of polymer electrolytes together. Furthermore, we would like to encourage PhD students of our Center of Electrochemical Energy Storage (CELEST) as well as our research Cluster of Excellence for post-Li storage (POLiS) to join this meeting in the framework of a workshop module of the Graduate School of Electrochemical Energy Storage (GS-EES) to get in touch with the latest trends and advances in this exciting area.
We hope to see many of you this September in Karlsruhe!
The Organizers
Fabian Jeschull, Patrick Théato, Dominik Voll, Christian Schmitt, Daniel Brandell
Important Dates
Abstract submission opens: 20.04.2023
Abstract submission deadline: 30.06.2023 | Deadline extension until 31.07.2023
Abstract acceptance notification: from 15.07.2023
Registration opens: 01.07.2023
Registration deadline: 01.09.2023
Call For Abstracts
We invite all participants to contribute with an oral or poster presentation on their recent work. We accept abstracts on the following topics:
- Synthesis and characterization of materials for polymer electrolyte applications
- Experimental and theoretical studies on ion transport in polymer electrolytes or gel polymer electrolytes
- Integration of polymer electrolytes in batteries and their characterization
- In-situ, operando or post-mortem studies on polymer degradation
- Topics related to cell manufacturing
Only abstracts adhering strictly to the abstract template will be accepted. The abstract template is provided for download under following link. Please select during the submission process if you are interested in an oral or poster presentation. Also note that the slots for oral presentations are limited and will be selected.
Letters of Invitation are sent out on 15.07.2023 via email to the corresponding authors of all accepted abstracts.
Important information for presenting participants
Poster and oral presentations must be in English.
Poster sizes should be DIN A0 (portrait format). All presenters will receive a Poster-ID and find their designated poster wall in the foyer in front of the lecture hall. The poster walls will be available with begin of the welcome reception. Please mind to remove the poster latest Wednesday morning.
Invited talks should be 25 min (+5 min discussion); The duration of talks of accepted oral presentations should be 15 min (+5 min discussion). For oral presentations a dedicated conference laptop will be available to upload your presentation prior to begin of your session. Please bring your presentation on a USB flash drive.
ESPE23 is an in-person meeting to promote scientific exchange and foster networking possibilities in our community. Therefore, we will not provide the option to deliver your talk remotely.
Agenda - ESPE23
Monday, September 25th
Time (CEST) | Speaker | Title Presentation |
12:45 pm | Opening ESPE23 | |
12:50 pm | Stefano Passerini HIU / Sapienza Università di Roma |
Solvent-Free Ternary Polymer Electrolytes With High Ionic Conductivity For Sodium-Based Batteries Operating At Room Temperature |
1:20 pm | Felix Richter Justus-Liebig-University Giessen |
Considerations on Cell Types and the Roles of Polymers in Solid-State Batteries |
1:40 pm | Corsin Battaglia EMPA |
High-Voltage Lithium-Metal Batteries With Polymerized-Ionic-Liquid Based Polymer Electrolyte |
2:10 pm | Didier Devaux Université Grenoble Alpes |
Evolution of the Ionic Conductivity of Solid Polymer Electrolytes upon Elongation |
2:30 pm | Jonas Mindemark Uppsala University |
Polymer electrolytes beyond PEO, LiTFSI and LFP: A story of host materials, salts, additives and potentials |
3:00 pm | Coffee Break | |
3:30 pm | Monika Schönhoff Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster |
NMR transport measurements: Tracking ion migration in battery electrolytes |
4:00 pm | Anne Westphal Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM |
Solvent Free and Catalyst Free Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium-ion Batteries |
4:20 pm | Maria Martinez-Ibanez CIC energieGUNE |
Towards a rational design of lithium salts and polymer matrices for lithium metal solid-state batteries |
4:50 pm | Matteo Gandolfo Politechnico Torino |
Enhancing the safety of lithium metal batteries through the use of composite ionogels |
5:10 pm | Gabriele Lingua POLYMAT |
Polymer electrolytes based on protic poly(ionic liquid)s for lithium batteries |
5:30 pm | Daniel Brandell Uppsala University |
News from ISPE-18 in 2024 |
5:35 pm | Group Photo | |
5:40 pm | Poster Session | |
7:30 pm | End Day 1 | |
Tuesday, September 26th
Time (CEST) | Speaker | Title Presentation |
9:00 am | Claudio Gerbaldi Politechnico Torino |
An Overview on Crosslinked Polymer-based Electrolytes with High Ionic Mobility for Safe Operation of Solid-State Batteries |
9:30 am | Jelena Popovic-Neuber University of Stavanger |
Ion Transport in Soft Matter Battery Electrolytes and Related Interphases |
10:00 am | Gunther Brunklaus Forschungszentrum Jülich |
Polymer Hybrid Concepts: Towards Higher Energy Densities with Oligomers and Grafted Ceramics |
10:30 am | Coffee Break | |
11:00 am | Diddo Diddens Forschungszentrum Jülich / Helmholtz Institute Münster |
Improving the Ion Transport in Polymer Electrolytes by Modeling Insights |
11:30 am | Orpita Majumdar-Svensson Uppsala University |
Solvent Free and Catalyst Free Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium-ion Batteries |
11:50 am | Federico Bella Politechnico Torino |
Exploring polymer electrolyte families for potassium batteries |
12:20 pm | Lunch Break | |
1:40 pm | Sabina Abbrent Czech Academy of Science |
The influence of ester versus ether crosslinkers on the physicochemical properties of electrolytes based on poly-2-oxazolines |
2:10 pm | Sergio Rodriguez Peña CIC energieGUNE |
Anion π−π Stacking for Improved Lithium Transport in Polymer Electrolytes |
2:30 pm | Vito di Noto Università degli Studi di Padova |
Polymer-based Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries and Beyond: New Materials and Conductivity Mechanisms |
3:00 pm | Coffee Break | |
3:30 pm | Zora Chalkley Helmholtz Centre Berlin |
Probing interfaces in anode-free Li-ion batteries with polymer electrolyte by operando hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy |
4:00 pm | Simon Buyting Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster |
Influence of Different Co-Solvents on Ion Transport in PEO and PCL polymer electrolytes |
4:20 pm | Laurent Rubatat Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour |
Block Copolymer Nanostructured Solid Polyelectrolytes From Equilibrium to Out of Equilibrium Strategies |
4:50 pm | Irune Villaluenga POLYMAT |
Confinement of Ionic Liquids into Copolymers for Flexible Solid-State Electrolytes for Li-metal Batteries |
5:10 pm | Patrick Théato Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
PEO based block copolymers as solid polymer electrolytes |
6:00 pm | Symposium Dinner at Cantina Majolika | |
Wednesday, September 27th
Time (CEST) | Speaker | Title Presentation |
9:00 am | Antonela Gallastegui POLYMAT |
Single-ion conducting Nanoparticles Electrolytes for Solid-State Lithium Batteries |
9:30 am | Władysław Wieczorek Warsaw University of Technology |
Development of Huckel type salts as components for polymeric electrolytes |
10:00 am | Guiomar Hernández Uppsala University |
Solubility and Stability Requirements for Solid Polymer Electrolytes |
10:30 am | Coffee Break | |
11:00 am | Javier Carretero-González Institute of Polymer Science and Technology - CSIC |
Fluorine-Free K-Ion Polymer Electrolytes |
11:30 am | Maria Morant-Miñana CIC energieGUNE |
Electrochemical performance of dry- and wet- manufactured solid polymer electrolytes |
11:50 am | Dominic Bresser Helmholtz Institute Ulm |
Single-ion conducting polymer electrolytes – From an enhanced understanding towards their potential use in practical devices |
12:20 pm | End of ESPE23 | |
Registration has closed. Should you still wish to participate, please contact Fabian Jeschull at
All participants are kindly requested to register until 01.09.2023, latest.
There will be no walk-in registration.
Registration Fees
Students & PhDs: 300 €
Postdocs & Senior Scientists: 400 €
Registration fee includes catering during coffee breaks and the poster session on Monday evening, lunch and the symposium dinner on Tuesday evening.
In case of any questions please email
ESPE23 will take place at KIT Campus South directly in central Karlsruhe nearby the Karlsruhe castle. The university campus can be readily reached on foot or by tram (stop “Durlacher Tor / KIT” or “Kronenplatz”). The event will be hosted in NTI (faculty of Communications Technology) lecture hall in building 30.10, room 030 (ground floor). A campus plan can be found here: (searchable by building and faculty).
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Kaiserstraße 12
76131 Karlsruhe
By car: You can find a comprehensive summary of how to get to KIT on the following link:
By plane: The closest airport is Baden Airport, near Baden-Baden, with a number of low budget connections from all over Europe arriving daily. There are bus connections from the airport directly to Karlsruhe or nearby train stations to hop on one of the commuter trains to the city. Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is just an hour away from Karlsruhe by ICE train (either with a stopover or a change of trains in Mannheim). There are two trains leaving hourly from FRA to Karlsruhe and vice versa. We recommend to book a “flexible ticket (FlexTicket)” in advance (visit, so you can hop on any train towards Karlsruhe. Another option, somewhat further away is Stuttgart Airport. From the airport there are commuter trains to Stuttgart main station. There are several trains leaving to Karlsruhe every hour. The train ride takes about 1h.
By train: Karlsruhe main station (Karlsruhe Hbf) is located in the city centre and is a hub that can be readily reached from several surrounding airports (Frankfurt ca. 1h, Baden Airport ca. 1h, Stuttgart, 1.5-2h) or by international trains from Basel SBB (Switzerland), Brussels, Munich or Paris.
Hotels nearby
Any place between Karlsruhe main station and KIT Campus South will be suitable to reach the symposium within less than 15-20 min by tram or on foot. Please find a couple of options below:
- Ibis, Poststraße 1, 76137 Karlsruhe
- Leonardo Hotel, Ettlinger Straße 23, 76137 Karlsruhe
- Novotel Karlsruhe City, Festplatz 2, 76137 Karlsruhe
If you are interested to support our event as a sponsor, please find a brief summary of our sponsoring packages below:
The sponsor will be published in our digital abstract book with sponsor’s logo, sponsor will be able to advertise on coffee break slides and poster(s), sponsor will be published on website with logo and link to sponsor’s website. The package includes one free registration for the symposium’s scientific program and dinner.
2000 EUR plus VAT
The sponsor will be published in our digital abstract book with sponsor’s logo, sponsor will be able to advertise on coffee break slides and poster(s), sponsor will be published on website with logo and link to sponsor’s website. The package includes one free registration for the symposium’s scientific program and dinner. Package also includes:
- one free registration for the booth attendant for the symposium's scientific program and dinner
- exhibition booth (8 sqm, 1 table, 2 chairs, power socket)
3250 EUR plus VAT
Main event sponsor: The sponsor will be published in our digital abstract book with sponsor’s logo (full page; first sponsor to be mentioned), sponsor will be able to advertise on coffee break slides with logo and on poster(s), sponsor will be published on website with large, highlighted logo and link to sponsor’s website. Package also includes:
- two free registrations for the booth attendants for the symposium’s scientific program and dinner
- exhibition booth (8 sqm, 1 table, 2 chairs, power socket)
4000 EUR plus VAT
Poster price-Package
The “Sponsor’s Name”-Poster-Price will be advertised on our website, in the digital abstract book and during the symposium (coffee break slides and poster) with logo of the organization and link. The sponsor selects a poster price in coordination with the organizing committee.
1150 EUR plus VAT
For more information please contact Dominik Voll.
Organizing Committee
Fabian Jeschull, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institute for Applied Materials – Energy Storage Systems (IAM-ESS)
Patrick Théato, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry (ITCP) & Soft Matter Synthesis Laboratory – Institute for Biological Interfaces III (IBG3)
Dominik Voll, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry (ITCP)
Christian Schmitt, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Soft Matter Synthesis Laboratory – Institute for Biological Interfaces III (IBG3)
Daniel Brandell, Uppsala University
Angström Advanced Battery Laboratory (AABC)
Contact Us by raven, owl or email